
1. What You’d Have Done

Would you march with Dr. King if you’d been there
Heard the bullets as they whistled through the air
Would you bravely stand your ground
As the klansmen stared you down
Would you march with Dr. King if you’d been there

Would you have hidden Jews behind your walls
Give them shelter even as the city falls
Take the chance that if you’re caught
You’d be tortured, hanged, or shot
Would you have hidden Jews behind your walls

Would you have helped escaping slaves go north
Organize the route and take them forth
Risk jail time and a fee
Just to help someone get free
Would you have helped escaping slaves go north

What if cops were shooting black men down
Or immigrants arrested in your town
Just look around you now
Don’t let silence break your vow
You have the chance to do what you’d have done

Just look around you now
Don’t let silence break your vow
Now’s the chance to do what you’d have done