More Blogging, Please

I haven’t been posting here much lately. For a while I thought it was because I was especially busy (even in my terms) – which I was, but when I got past the exceptionally busy part I still didn’t get back to posting. I think instead it might be that in my periodic (and fast-switching) ups and downs about my music career I experience similar ups and downs about the purpose of having a blog. Does anyone actually want to read my thoughts about my experiences (and other musings) as an independent musician? Some of the answer turns out to be yes. In my fantastic past weekend of shows a couple different people made reference to blog posts of mine in ways that suggested that people are indeed paying attention to what I write. But more importantly I realized that, although this blog is public, what other people think isn’t actually the point of it. For me blogging is a bit like writing songs, or keeping a journal, or taking notes when I hear a lecture. I experience and process the world through writing about it. And when I don’t write about it, I don’t actually let myself experience it. So I’m going to try to get back to blogging on a regular basis. Stay tuned.

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